The machine has been conceived to extract the cups, finish them off, store them in proper boxes and go on stoking them temporally into the vertical storehouse, or also make them exit the me.
The machine is made up of:
- manual positioning of the kiln car;
- (2a) no. 2 movable platforms positioned by the kiln car sides with hinged lines, to convey the cups on the belt in line towards the grinding; on the mentioned belt there is a laser beams detector for detecting the height of the cups before the dispatching to the spongy
- station with 3 movable grinders managed and controlled by laser beam photoelectric
- cups collecting belt for the manual selection;
- outlet 900 belt for the second selection:
- no. 5 boxes handling draft gear;
- chain draft gear to feed the empty boxes;
- chain draft gear with pneumatic Iifting connected also to the elevator, in order to feed the roller
- roller draft gear for the roller chain handling with inclination cylinder in the manual loading area and scanner to read the bar
- chain draft gear equipped with pneumatic lifting to collect the boxes from the roller chain towards the outlet line and then to be conveyed, or to the elevator, in case the box has been partially loaded,
or to the outlet scales through the draft gear no.10, in case it has been completely loaded;
- chain draft gear for the coming out of the loaded boxes addressed to the scales:
- the boxes that haven’t been completely loaded are marked by the operator in charge for the forwarding to the boxes stocking elevator, which, through a mechanic extractorconnector engine on sliding and vertical handling guides, will manage the cycle of the incomplete boxes and the feeding-drawing operations of the two vertical warehouses equipped with 9 positions each and a having a total storage capacity of 18 boxes.
- when the box positioned at the draft gear no.5 is loaded, the machine goes on weighting 4 loading cells on a lifting pneumatic structure; according to the registered weight and to the information regarding the products being worked; it’s possible know the number of articles contained in each box.
One labelling printer supplies, on an adhesive paper (a label approximately dimensioned as an A6 size paper), the following data:
1. operator code;
2. boxnumber;
3. date and time of the cycle completion;
4. part number of the contained article;
5. number of the pieces;
6. bar code summing up the above mentioned information, to be able to read the information quickly and through a bar code scanner.
Production: no. 60 pieces per minute.